REF: DTCCSL1215Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 Toptul Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 Toptul Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 15mm BAEE1615 removeadd
REF: DTCF35100Chave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 Toptul Chave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 Toptul Chave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 Chave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Fenda 3,5x100mm FAAB3E10 removeadd
REF: DTCB1213Chave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 Toptul Chave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 Toptul Chave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 Chave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Bocas 12x13 AAEJ1213 removeadd
REF: DTCCSL1213Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 Toptul Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 Toptul Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 Chave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 ToptulKeys and Key SetsChave Caixa Sextavada Longa 1/2" 13mm BAEE1613 removeadd
REF: FMAMPressure Gauge Flux Pressure Gauge Flux Pressure Gauge FluxBombas|Acessórios BombasPressure Gauge to check the pressure of your water pump. Pressure Gauge FluxBombas|Acessórios BombasPressure Gauge to check the pressure of your water pump. removeadd
REF: FITC180Bench Vice Carpenter 180mm Flux Bench Vice Carpenter 180mm Flux Bench Vice Carpenter 180mm FluxHand ToolsCarpenter turquoise 180mm Flux with high resistance forged steel body and bi-material handles. Bench Vice Carpenter 180mm FluxHand ToolsCarpenter turquoise 180mm Flux with high resistance forged steel body and bi-material handles. removeadd
REF: DSAG14Agrafo tipo G 1-TRA709T 14mm Stanley Agrafo tipo G 1-TRA709T 14mm Stanley Agrafo tipo G 1-TRA709T 14mm StanleyStaplers and Staples Agrafo tipo G 1-TRA709T 14mm StanleyStaplers and Staples removeadd
REF: FECFR1050Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 1050w Flux Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 1050w Flux Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 1050w FluxReplacement Parts Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 1050w FluxReplacement Parts removeadd
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REF: FECFER860Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 860w Flux Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 860w Flux Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 860w FluxReplacement Parts Angle Grinder Carbon Brushes 860w FluxReplacement Parts removeadd
REF: FECFSC1851200Circular Saw Carbon Brushes 185mm 1200w Flux Circular Saw Carbon Brushes 185mm 1200w Flux Circular Saw Carbon Brushes 185mm 1200w FluxReplacement Parts Circular Saw Carbon Brushes 185mm 1200w FluxReplacement Parts removeadd
REF: FARTPRPBAdjustable Pistol Type Watering Nozzle With Flux Rubber Handle Adjustable Pistol Type Watering Nozzle With Flux Rubber Handle Adjustable Pistol Type Watering Nozzle With Flux Rubber HandlePlastic AccessoriesPistol-style watering nozzle with rubber grip and adjustable jet, ideal for use in cleaning tasks, watering pots or watering gardens. Adjustable Pistol Type Watering Nozzle With Flux Rubber HandlePlastic AccessoriesPistol-style watering nozzle with rubber grip and adjustable jet, ideal for use in cleaning tasks, watering pots or watering gardens. removeadd
REF: FMGMCIMultifunction Gas Torch With Lighter Flux Multifunction Gas Torch With Lighter Flux Multifunction Gas Torch With Lighter FluxTorches and CartridgesSuitable for professional and domestic use. Flame regulation allows the torch to be used for different purposes. Multifunction Gas Torch With Lighter FluxTorches and CartridgesSuitable for professional and domestic use. Flame regulation allows the torch to be used for different purposes. removeadd
REF: FMT600100Paint Mixer 400x80mm Flux Paint Mixer 400x80mm Flux Paint Mixer 400x80mm FluxCordedPaint mixing rod 400x80mm with capacity to mix masses of 6~12Kg, ideal for paints, varnishes, acrylic protectors and low density materials. Paint Mixer 400x80mm FluxCordedPaint mixing rod 400x80mm with capacity to mix masses of 6~12Kg, ideal for paints, varnishes, acrylic protectors and low density materials. removeadd
00day:00hour:00min:00sec REF: FTVITB23Vintage Scissors Stainless Steel Straight Blade 185mm TB23 Flux 00day:00hour:00min:00sec Vintage Scissors Stainless Steel Straight Blade 185mm TB23 Flux Vintage Scissors Stainless Steel Straight Blade 185mm TB23 FluxSaws, Saws, and ShearsVintage scissors with reinforced bimaterial handle for a comfortable grip during use. 00day:00hour:00min:00sec Vintage Scissors Stainless Steel Straight Blade 185mm TB23 FluxSaws, Saws, and ShearsVintage scissors with reinforced bimaterial handle for a comfortable grip during use. 00day:00hour:00min:00secremoveadd