Vernier Caliper 6" Flux with stainless steel body, supplied with transport and storage box, is ideal for measuring interior, exterior and depth measurements.
Vernier Caliper 6" Flux with stainless steel body, supplied with transport and storage box, is ideal for measuring interior, exterior and depth measurements.
Painted Balcony Drying Rack 100cm nº2 Flux, metallic with paint protection, easy to close and store, ideal for hanging all your clothes on the balcony.
Painted Balcony Drying Rack 100cm nº2 Flux, metallic with paint protection, easy to close and store, ideal for hanging all your clothes on the balcony.
Sextuple Socket with Extension+USB 3x1.50mm Flux with general cut-off switch and 100% copper cable, allows you to connect various electrical equipment up to 16 Amps and two USB devices.
Sextuple Socket with Extension+USB 3x1.50mm Flux with general cut-off switch and 100% copper cable, allows you to connect various electrical equipment up to 16 Amps and two USB devices.